🛠️ This part of the site is under development! Stay tuned! 🛠️
The bot uses the prefix "!" and also uses slash commands.
All Commands
/leaderboard - Shows the global economy leaderboard
/scavenge - (Cooldown 20s) Scavenge for coins!
/work - (Cooldown 5m) Work for some money!
/coinflip - Bet 250 coins on a 50/50 chance of winning double your money, or nothing!
/test - A test command, used by the FSS Team
/find_who_asked - The worlds greatest question...
/e - Test Command
/tax-evasion - Commit tax evasion with a friend!
/whois - Learn more about someone!
/rps - Play rock-paper-scissors with the bot!
/serverinfo - Learn more about your current server!
/hello - Say hello to the bot!
/warn - Warn a user
/warnings - Check a users warnings
/clearwarning - Clear a users most recent warning
/ban - Ban a user from the server
/kick - Kick a user from the server
/yeet - Yeet someone!
/shop - View the shop!
/item - Learn more about an item in the shop!
/buy - Buy something from the shop!
/ohare - Make Mr. O'Hare sing about pollution!
/set_modlog_channel - Set the channel you would like to have modlogs be sent to!
/toggle_automod - Toggle automod on or off!
/freenitro - Get some free nitro, curtesy of the FSS Team!
/bubblewrap - Satisfy your ASMR and ADHD needs!
/ping - Check the bot's latency!
/dogpic - Get a cute dog picture!
/catpic - Get a cute picture of a Cat!
/tictactoe - Play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe with some friends!
/randomfact - Get a random fact, and possibly learn something!
/uptime - Check the bots' uptime!
/botinfo - Bot information like ping, and uptime!
/reactionrolesetup - Set up reaction roles for the bot!
/joinvc - Have the bot join your Voice Channel!
/leavevc - Have the bot leave your Voice Channel!
/play (name/link to song) - Play a song!
/stop - Stop the song!
/pause - Pause the song!
/resume - Resume the current song!
/queue - Add a song to the song queue!
/viewqueue - View the song queue!
Old, no longer supported/existent, commands.
!commands - Lists all of the commands!
!hello - Say hello :D
!bye - Say bye! D:
!taxevasion (@user) - The person mentioned is committing Tax Evasion and are currently being hunted by the IRS.
!yeetme - have the bot yeet you!
!findwhoasked - find the answer to the answerless question
!yeetperson (@user) - yeet someone else!
!site (previously !needhelp) - Gives you a link to this page on our site!
!version - Gives you the version the bot is running on!
!support - A link to our support server!
!rps - play Rock Paper Scissors with the bot! [This has 2 easter eggs, both related to food!!]
!warn (@user) (reason) - warns a person
!unwarn (@user) (warning number, beginning from 0) - unwarns a person
!checkwarnings (@user) - check a persons warnings
!coinflip - heads or tails, what will it be?
!nameme - change your name! (no more than 20 characters)
!givemerole (rolename) - give yourself a role!
!addrole (@user) - give someone a role!
!timeout (@user) (duration in seconds, max of 7200) - time someone out for up to 7200 seconds, or 2 hours
!pingloop (@user) - sends someone a dm every .10 seconds until they say !stoppong
!stoppong - stop the bot from "pinging" you
!userinfo (@user) - learn more about someone!
!whois (@user) - see more about someone, and see what badges they got! (both discord & FSS)
!serverinformation - learn more about the server!
Fun Commands
/coinflip - Bet 250 coins on a 50/50 chance of winning double your money, or nothing!
/find_who_asked - The worlds greatest question...
/e - Test Command
/tax-evasion - Commit tax evasion with a friend!
/whois - Learn more about someone!
/rps - Play rock-paper-scissors with the bot!
/hello - Say hello to the bot!
/serverinfo - Learn more about the server!
/yeet - Yeet someone!
/ohare - Make Mr. O'Hare sing about pollution!
/freenitro - Get some free nitro, curtesy of the FSS Team!
/bubblewrap - Satisfy your ASMR and ADHD needs!
/ping - Check the bot's latency!
/dogpic - Get a cute dog picture!
/catpic - Get a cute picture of a Cat!
/tictactoe - Play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe with some friends!
/randomfact - Get a random fact, and possibly learn something!
/uptime - Check the bots' uptime!
/botinfo - Bot information like ping, and uptime!
/play (name/link to song) - Play a song!
/stop - Stop the song!
/pause - Pause the song!
/resume - Resume the current song!
/queue - Add a song to the song queue!
/viewqueue - View the song queue!
Old, no longer supported/existent, commands.
!rps - play Rock Paper Scissors with the bot! [This has an easter egg in it if you use a certain food!]
!yeetme - have the bot yeet you!
!yeetperson (@user) - yeet someone else!
!taxevasion (@user) - The person mentioned is committing Tax Evasion and are currently being hunted by the IRS.
!findwhoasked - find the answer to the answerless question
!coinflip - heads or tails, what will it be?
!nameme - change your name! (no more than 20 characters)
!givemerole (rolename) - give yourself a role!
!pingloop (@user) - sends someone a dm every .10 seconds until they say !stoppong (ADMIN PERMS NEEDED)
!stoppong - stop the bot from "pinging" you (everyone can use)
!whois (@user) - see more about someone, and see what badges they got! (both discord & FSS)
!serverinformation - learn more about the server!
[NEW!] VC Commands
/play (name/link to song) - Play a song!
/stop - Stop the song!
/pause - Pause the song!
/resume - Resume the current song!
/queue - Add a song to the song queue!
/viewqueue - View the song queue!
/leaderboard - Shows the global economy leaderboard
/scavenge - (Cooldown 20s) Scavenge for coins!
/work - (Cooldown 5m) Work for some money!
/coinflip - Bet 250 coins on a 50/50 chance of winning double your money, or nothing!
/shop - View the shop!
/item - Learn more about an item in the shop!
/buy - Buy something from the shop!
Old, no longer supported/existent, commands.
!leaderboard (coming soon) - See the GLOBAL LEADERBOARD!
!coinadd (set to employees only) - give yourself some $$$$$$$$$$$
!balance (@user) - check someone's balance!
!resetmoney (@user) - reset someones coins!
!work - work for some money
Moderation Commands
/warn - Warn a user
/warnings - Check a users warnings
/clearwarning - Clear a users most recent warning
/ban - Ban a user from the server
/kick - Kick a user from the server
/whois - Learn more about someone!
/serverinfo - Learn more about your current server!
/set_modlog_channel - Set the channel you would like to have modlogs be sent to!
/ping - Check the bot's latency!
/uptime - Check the bots' uptime!
/botinfo - Bot information like ping, and uptime!
/reactionrolesetup - Set up reaction roles for the bot!
Old, no longer supported/existent, commands.
!warn (@user) (reason) - warns a person
!unwarn (@user) (warning number, beginning from 0) - unwarns a person
!checkwarnings (@user) - check a persons warnings
!nameme - change your name! (no more than 20 characters)
!addrole (@user) - give someone a role!
!timeout (@user) (duration in seconds, max of 7200) - time someone out for up to 7200 seconds, or 2 hours
!pingloop (@user) - sends someone a dm every .10 seconds until they say !stoppong
!stoppong - stop the bot from "pinging" you
!userinfo (@user) - learn more about someone!
!whois (@user) - see more about someone, and see what badges they got! (both discord & FSS)
!serverinformation - learn more about the server!
Update Logs
V1.3 - The VC Update!
What does this update include?
~ VC Commands include /play, /stop, /resume, /joinvc, and so many more!
~~*If a song hasn't been played before, you will need to put the songs YouTube link as the query!*
- Improved the economy system!
- Removed the non-necessary webhook commands forever (finally)
- Multiple Bug Fixes
Added more facts to /randomfact
This update includes a new /reactionrolesetup command! This allows server moderators to setup a reaction role system! Oh and a bunch of bug fixes too!
V1.2.1 - Exited open beta!
This update also includes the /uptime command, and the /botinfo command! We also swapped over to a new server for 24/7 UPTIME!
V1.2.01 (OPEN BETA) - New command: /catpic - Get a cute picture of a Cat! and bug fixes
V1.2 (OPEN BETA) - basically everything as of 3/28/24.
V1.1.7 (OPEN BETA) - Enhanced Security that prevents others from accessing the bots token, other than the developers.
- The bot now has a logging feature! Use /set_modlog_channel as an admin, and select the channel you would like to receive logs. The only things that can be logged currently are user joins/leaves, and message deletion.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t use /rps
- Fixed a bug where /balance was only available to administrators
-Other bug fixes
V1.1.6 (OPEN BETA) - Added in a shop for the economy system!
V1.1.5 (OPEN BETA) - Bot commands fully removed, reworking on them from scratch. Now, the bot no longer uses the "!" prefix, it only used Discord Slash Commands. The new commands have already replaced the old ones in the command categories.
V1.1.0.5 (OPEN BETA) - Added more to the !whois command, and added a !serverinformation command!
V1.1.0 (OPEN BETA) - Added a !whois command & now theres badges!
V1.0.9 (OPEN BETA) - WARNINGS WERE FINALLY FIXED :D We also stopped updating the !cmds command. Oh, and !userinfo is out of testing.
V1.0.8 (OPEN BETA) - added a new "!userinfo" command, and several other new ones! We also fixed a few bugs & commands!
V1.0.7.3 - added a new rps easter egg, added more command descriptions, fixed bug where the bot would get timed out instead of users
V1.0.7 (OPEN BETA)
!pingloop (@user) - spam pings a user every tenth of a second until they say "!stoppong" in their dm's!
!stoppong (USE IN YOUR DMs) - stop the spam pings every tenth of a second!
!help - added new command descriptions
!warn - you can actually warn people again (lol)
!commands - added new commands
!checkwarnings - fixed the user database
!givemerole - fixed a bug that never gave the role
!version - updated it to version V1.0.7 OPEN BETA
!unwarn - cant unwarn people :( (how ironic, before you couldnt warn people-)
V1.0.6 - Major Update! Added !coinflip !taxevasion !findwhoasked, moderation commands, and more! Oh, and many bug fixes!
V1.0.5 - Added !warn !unwarn & !checkwarnings [WARNINGS ARE BUGGED]
V1.0.4 - Added !yeetperson & renamed !yeet to !yeetme
V1.0.3 - Rock Paper Scissors now has an easter egg in it!
V1.0.2 - Bug fixes, new bot invite link, new discord invite link
V1.0.1 - Bot Released
Upvote us on top.gg!
Bot Version: V1.1.7 (OPEN BETA)